Sugars: The Good and The Bad Dental CareDental Health BasicsHealthy Teeth Sugars: The Good and The Bad What we eat and how it affects our health From a dental perspective smile has…Smile Design Dental GroupOctober 16, 2016
The ABCs of Teeth Whitening Dental CareDental Health BasicsGeneralHealthy TeethTeeth Whitening The ABCs of Teeth Whitening I get a lot of questions from my patients about teeth whitening. Should I do…Smile Design Dental GroupSeptember 16, 2016
Have you flossed today? Dental CareDental Health BasicsHealthy Teeth Have you flossed today? I hear everyday many of my patients complain about flossing. While brushing twice a day…Smile Design Dental GroupSeptember 3, 2016
The Dental Checkup Dental CareDental Health BasicsGeneralHealthy TeethYou and Your Dentist The Dental Checkup By now, most of you know that maintaining good oral health is important to your…Smile Design Dental GroupAugust 6, 2016
ABC’s of Home Oral Care Dental CareDental Health BasicsGeneralHealthy Teeth ABC’s of Home Oral Care As your dentist, I would like to think of being a partner in your dental…Smile Design Dental GroupJuly 21, 2016
Root canal vs. Dental Implant Healthy Teeth Root canal vs. Dental Implant Dental implants are fantastic, but they are a close “second” to your natural teeth. The…Smile Design Dental GroupMarch 17, 2016
Historical trivia on oral hygiene Healthy Teeth Historical trivia on oral hygiene Even ancient populations understood the importance of oral hygiene. And while their methods and practices…Smile Design Dental GroupJuly 9, 2015